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Printable Form 8965 Fulton Georgia: What You Should Know

Part I. Encroachment  Fulton County Property Tax Assessors office offers an extensive array of property assessment services to allow property owners to assess the value of their property according to any one of a wide range of guidelines. The  property assessment process consists of many steps. Most property owners do not have to assess themselves to benefit property tax purposes because they do not own the land on which their home is located.  For this reason, property owners have a legal duty to assess, under penalty of law, property owned by other  people or the City.  The process of assessment involves many steps, including: 1. An appraisal; 2. Assessment by a professional  assessor or a person not licensed by and certified by the Georgia State Board of Assessors; 3. A fee, which is paid to the assessor. The  Appraisals are done to determine the fair market value of the property. They require that the appraiser determine and estimate the fair market value of the property.   This appraisal is done by using information provided by the Land records or, if there is no record in the Land records, by finding information in the Registry of Deeds.  If the appraiser determines that the fair market value of the property is less than the amount assessed, then the assessor must make a written deduction from the assessable amount of the difference between the appraised and assessed value and refund the difference to the owner of record. If the owner of record does not have the ability to pay the difference, then the assessor must refund the difference to the owner of record. Once a change in value is determined by the value of the property or by the Land records, the property must be reassessed. A change of value is considered to have occurred following an appraisal or reassessment following a change of ownership and is the same as a change of ownership if the assessed valuation does not change. As of March 15, 2016, the cost of the property assessment varies based on the size and type of the land. For every 1,000 square feet of land, the cost of the property assessment is 854. The cost of the property assessment for homes less than 1,000 feet of land is 1,824.

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